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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Write in one sentence of the summary

1. My Heart Leaps up When I Behold

              The poem “My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold” is about the joy the poet feels at the sight of rainbow which has been source of his ecstasy since his childhood and will continue to be so till his old age. 

2. Speaking of Children

              One child is appendage and the parents can be privacy and proper guidance of the child whereas the plural children are the end of privacy and the beginning of the obligations.

3. Look at a Teacup

              The writer, who has decided to remain unmarried fearing disintegration, inherits china cups from her mother which were bought in 1939 and they have the pictures of falling flowers, which are significant and symbolical.

4. A Worn Path

              “A Worn Path” is the story of an old Negro woman, Phoenix Jackson, who undertakes a long hazardous Journey up to the town to fetch medicine for her grandson suffering from throat infection.

5. The Poplar Tree

              The poem “The Poplar Field” is the lamentation of the poet over the destruction of The Poplar Field that once provided shade, whispering sound, cool wind and melody of birds.

6. The Nightmare Life without Fuel

              The essay “The Nightmare Life without Fuel” is a hypothetical situation in America during the late 1990s when dwindling fuel resources have pushed the developed nation towards the pre industrial state of 1800s.

7. Unchopping a Tree

              However hard we try and succeed in unchopping a tree by using tackle and scaffolding, it will not be as strongly held as it used to be before chopping the tree and restoring things to their former state is literally impossible.

8. Keeping Things Whole

              In spite of the fact that the presence of one thing in the absence of to her is an unavoidable situation the poet is determined to move for keeping things whole.

9. Concrete Cat

              The poem “Concrete Cat”, being an example of a concrete poem presents the word picture of a striped cat with raised tail, upside-down mouse by real feet and whisker around the mouth showing its catness in action. 

10. The Gardener

               “The Gardner” is the story dealing with the dual relationship between Helen Turell and Michael Turell as aunt and nephew on the one hand and on the other hand the unmarried mother and illegitimate son who gets killed in the battlefield.

11. On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness

              Through the poem “On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness”, the poem announces his outlook by saying that all the things of earthly grandeur and power will be reduced in the end into things of non entity.

12. Malini

              Being the story of love and hatred, the poetic play “Malini” presents the character Malini, the embodiment of love who wins the hearts of people demanding for her banishment in contrast to other character Kenanker, the conservative man of hatred who rewards his well-wisher Supriya with death.

13. “Oops! How’s That Again”

        The Essay “Oops! How’s ! That Again” gives a humorous account of tongue slips, spoonerisms and mistranslation with psychological explanations for such mistakes and the reason for our laughter to hear them.

14. The Six Million Dollar Man

              The essay “The Six Million Dollar Man” is an interesting and scientific evaluation of each human being as infinitely precious and priceless although the dry weight of the human body costs 245.54 dollars a gram and six million dollars for the person having 24, 436 grams of dry weight.

15. In the Bed

              The essay “In Bed” gives the elaborate description of migraine headaches with the touch of author’s personal experience that ranged over irritation in the beginning, acceptance in the middle and the habit of stoic endurance.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job . Keep sharing the notes and have a look to this site too => for all the HSEB notes of all subjects and old question paper.
